Sunday, 24 May 2009

So it's been awhile.....

Yeah's been a long time...but...whatever. School is about to be out (whoo-hoo!). And I CANNOT WAIT!!!!! I hate the end of the school year cuz it's not like you really learn anything....and everyone can hardly focus. Like last week I don't think I listened in ONE SINGLE CLASS!!!! I'm eithier day-dreaming or falling asleep...or something. Honestly the last two weeks of school are a complete and TOTAL waste!!!! *sigh* Half the time people don't even come...but whatever.

Annnyyywaaayyyysss......This Friday I had a sleepover...and it was tons of fun. Not that you care or anything...but this IS my tough. We stayed up until like 4 in the morning and had a blast....talking, watching Veggie Tales....and maybe we might have prank called a FEW people. But hey, it was just a joke...and even I'M not perfect. I know I know hard to believ(jk). It was really fine though cuz we like knew all the people. So yeah I'll just stop now. Keep Smilin' :)

Thursday, 26 March 2009


thoughts. those little voices inside your head...start everything, so be careful what you think.
(may or may not expand in future, not ready now)

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Mom's gone and no school

My mom's out of that makes everything...weird. not a bad weird though. You know all of those times your mom has told you to do something and made you drop everythig RIGHT THEN to do it? well the nice thing is I can do when i want...i mean as long as it's done by the time my dad gets home from work who's gonna know...or care? But it's also kinda hard there is so much stuff my mom does everyday that i just take for granted. ans when she's gone we have to handle it. it's hard work...i mean i was always told moms work hard but it's one thing to hear it and another thing to hands-on learn it. But thats how I learn most things anyway.

Oh and there's no school :)

Monday, 16 March 2009

just a little thing i worte lmk what you think :)

When you're young yes always means yes. Everybody was always themselves no lying, cheating, or backstabbing. You were innocent. Easy to forgive. Quick to believe. Mommy and Daddy always knew best. Teachers always watched for your best. Everybody was a friend. You had big dreams, never tainted by reality. Where did our innocence go? Did we give it away, or was it taken? Where did our faith and trust go? Where did our simplicity of the world go? When did we "grow-up"? Why? When did money become more important then dreams? Sometimes maybe we ought not grow-up. Maybe we should all try acting like a 6 year old. Have the faith and trust of them. And the innocence. Why must we all just take harsh reality? Cause when you give up on your dreams and lose your innocence is the day you grow old. I think that maybe the biggest step of growing up is...well....not. Cause sometimes 6 year olds have a better world view then any of us.

yeah so....

okay so...long time no see. Let's see life has been pretty boring no epiphanies or anything I got to ditch school thats always fun. Uhm I want on vacation to Georgia and it pretty muched sucked and I am so glad to be back home. My aunt is coming to town today who I haven't seen since I was like 8 so that should be fun. And of course as always I'm trying to keep up with this roller coaster called "emotions" of people in my life. So yeah like I said pretty boring.

Monday, 2 March 2009


Fearless. Today I had an epiphany about the word fearless. I was writing a song and I was talking about being fearless but I couldn't figure out why the verses weren't working with the chorus and I realized that it was because in the verses I was talking about bravery and in the chorus I was talking about fearlessness. Now here's the difference: Bravery is attainable and fearlessness is not. When you're brave it's doing the right thing and ignoring your fear but fearlessness is having absolutely no fear. Human nature prevents us from being fearless so we often use that word instead of brave. We've devalued the word fearless. We must understand that only God is truly "fearless" where we are only brave.

Sunday, 1 March 2009


Oh My Gosh SO MUCH SNOW!!!!!
Okay so that was my California roots coming out. I just have never EVER seen this much snow at one time! I've always hated snow...but maybe thats because I've only ever seen small amounts. But watching it fall right now is just down right fascinating! I know I sound like a 5 year old but, hey I think it's cool.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

good day

Today it was SO warm out I couldn't believe it was even February! I love summer so it was nice. I also aced a test didn't have play practice went on a walk AND got in a debate about econ. (he he) And things with my family has been good too. all in all I really have enjoyed my day.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

So, yeah, about today

Today I was in the car with my little brother's and sister waiting for my mom and my sister to come back. And one of my little brothers(let's call him Joe) was whining and complaining and being SO FREAKING dramatic! I was about ready to kill him! So anyways as I listened to "Joe" I realized (actually it was kinda later) that when I was little I was A LOT like him! So here's my little bit of info whatever you can't stand most in people younger than you, you were probably like that. So if you could give any little kid some advice tell them to be careful how they act cause one way or another it will most likely come back....So be careful. And even though I'm not "little" anymore I'm still gonna stay on the safe side...because I once read some wise words that are proven in my life again ang reap what you sow.

Saturday, 21 February 2009


I don't feel like my "about me" thing is completely honest. I'm not 15...not until tomorrow...phew I'm glad I got THAT off my chest.

hey this is wierd.

So I just made this thing for no reason really. And now I'm not exactly sure what to do. I'll write more when I figure it out.