Thursday, 26 February 2009

good day

Today it was SO warm out I couldn't believe it was even February! I love summer so it was nice. I also aced a test didn't have play practice went on a walk AND got in a debate about econ. (he he) And things with my family has been good too. all in all I really have enjoyed my day.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

So, yeah, about today

Today I was in the car with my little brother's and sister waiting for my mom and my sister to come back. And one of my little brothers(let's call him Joe) was whining and complaining and being SO FREAKING dramatic! I was about ready to kill him! So anyways as I listened to "Joe" I realized (actually it was kinda later) that when I was little I was A LOT like him! So here's my little bit of info whatever you can't stand most in people younger than you, you were probably like that. So if you could give any little kid some advice tell them to be careful how they act cause one way or another it will most likely come back....So be careful. And even though I'm not "little" anymore I'm still gonna stay on the safe side...because I once read some wise words that are proven in my life again ang reap what you sow.

Saturday, 21 February 2009


I don't feel like my "about me" thing is completely honest. I'm not 15...not until tomorrow...phew I'm glad I got THAT off my chest.

hey this is wierd.

So I just made this thing for no reason really. And now I'm not exactly sure what to do. I'll write more when I figure it out.